Software License Optimisation (SLO)

With the proliferation of software as a service (SaaS), managing and maintaining software licenses is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive even for small to medium-sized business. Large organisations such as governments and universities have an even more challenging task, as most larger institutions have multiple versions of various software applications running concurrently, which can create a major issue from a license management viewpoint.

Avoid Costly Excess Software Licenses

The SaaS model is often based on 1 license per seat, yet the license purchase options are often in ranges with fixed costs per range. This can create opportunities to review existing software license agreements and conduct vendor negotiations to optimise these agreements to better suit the business requirements.

Another issue that can arise, is when management decides to remove licenses as a pure cost-cutting exercise, which can have a negative impact on the business as individual productivity is potentially reduced by removing the tools that staff are actually using.

Over 25 Years Experience Managing Software Licensing

With these potential issues in mind, Asta can provide you with a thorough, end-to-end, software license optimisation (SLO) audit to help you get a better understanding of the licenses that are required and potentially identify a range of outdated or un-used licenses. The cost savings after completing this audit can often provide a positive ROI.

The concept is to conduct an SLO audit such that each user is analysed, and the required software licenses are identified, so that each user has access to exactly what they need to do their job effectively, but any un-used or redundant licenses are identified for review.

The Minimum Information to be Gathered Would Include:

  • Devices (Make & Model)
  • Software Utilisation by End-User
  • Normal Time of Use
  • Average Usage per Day/Month/Year
  • Last Activity of End-User
  • Usage Pattern
  • License Usage Ratio

This then produces a software licenses map, from which management and the IT team, can use to identity opportunities for cost reduction by removing redundant or latent licenses, or upgrading to newer, more effective applications.



Potential Benefits of Completing an SLO with Asta

  • Cost Savings by Identifying Unused or Under-Used Software Applications
  • Reduce Internal Service Tickets due to Reduced Applications to Support
  • Improve Productivity by Identifying Best of Breed Applications
  • Reduce ESG Impact by Reducing the Energy Required to Maintain Redundant Software

Asta recently worked with one client and identified over $100,000 in annual savings after conducting an SLO on their networks, so contact us today to book an SLO for your organisation or to learn more.

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